Collection of techniques

Over the last three decades, I studied religions and concepts of what life is all about. I explored different types of techniques to connect to more than the physical, and I lived in these other dimensions more intensively than my physical life, proving to myself the soul's existence beyond the physical body's borders.

There are various approaches for connecting to the spiritual realms, which should be used depending on your current state and situation:

Basic techniques:
- Blessings: send to the universe all beings
- Gratitude: for life on all levels
- Mindfulness: expand your awareness in everything you think, do, touch and eat
- Meditations: connect to yourself

Techniques for inner travel:
- Lucid Dreaming: awake in your dreams
- Astral Travel: explore the planes of existence
- Soul Travel: travel beyond space and time
- Hypno Therapy: travel your mind
- Opening Portals: travelling with a specific purpose or target
- Plant Medicine: from mushrooms to Ayahuasca

Energy Work:
- Theta Healing: deconstruct old belief systems
- Atlantean Crystal Work: crystal healing
- Channelling: connect to divine knowledge
- Quantum Healing: communicate on a quantum level

Light Work:
- Pleiadian Light Work: connect to the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light
- Sirian Light Work: connect to the Sirian Archangels of the Light
- Light Chambers: establish healing light chambers
- Energetic Transformation: raising energy frequency
- Exorcism: clearing of energy patterns, objects and entities

- Hatha Yoga: focusing on posture and breathing techniques
- Kundalini Yoga: the most potent form of Yoga

Physical Techniques:
- Breath Work: follow your breath
- Massages/ Physio Therapy: relax into your physical body
- PDT-R: resolve deep tissue trauma

Kundalini Awakening Course

Currently, I am buidling a course to share what made me integrate this incredible energy called Kundalini.

Let me know which technique you want to know more about, and I will consider those wishes. The quest I am currently engaged in will contain the most desired techniques explained and dived into in more detail.

- Do you want to learn to use Atlantean crystal patterns to raise your frequency?

- Would you like to know more about establishing light chambers for healing and transformation?

- How about learning more about channelling and how it can be facilitated for self-awareness and personal growth?

- What topics would you like to hear more about in a podcast?

I would love to hear from you.

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