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Deleting Destructive Belief Patterns

In Techniques by MariaLeave a Comment

Sometimes it is astonishing how much we are guided by our internal belief patterns, which we are often unaware of. Growing up in an abusive and un-supportive environment, I was full of these destructive belief patterns. Through the years, I developed some techniques to check the status of my beliefs, and sometimes it is terrifying to which beliefs I discovered …

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Vulnerability – the Call to Courage | Brené Brown

In Videos by MariaLeave a Comment

I remember thinking of my ongoing struggle to bond with people and feel genuinely connected during my early years. This happened so rarely that I started doubting that this was possible. A couple of times, I thought I had found someone with whom I felt a connection could be possible, but then I lost them. I started thinking I scared …

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Discover Who You Really Are | Neale Donald Walsch

In Videos by MariaLeave a Comment

When I first watched this video, I started to cry immediately. And even now, after watching it dozens of times, my eyes still get watery. My heart opens up instantly each time getting touched deeply.In this powerful video by Mindvalley, Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations With God, shares a goosebump-inducing message about who you really are. This awe-inspiring, self-awakening …

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Releasing Jaw-Breaking Fears

In Techniques by MariaLeave a Comment

As many are concentrating purely on energy work when chasing this goal of spiritual development, I want to point out the significance of the physical body on this journey. Therefore, consider also releasing on a more physical level. Years ago, a friend told me about this guy checking the body on a muscular status, testing muscle tension and balancing the …

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A Grateful Day | Brother David Steindl-Rast

In Videos by MariaLeave a Comment

While searching for a way and manageable practice to implement gratitude exercises in my daily life, a newly met lovely person sent me the link to this video. It didn’t take more than a minute, and tears ran down my cheeks. I just now caught up on this topic. Gratitude does not start with a lovely apartment or enough money …